Tuesday, 15 March 2016


Tuesday, March 15, 2016

"The void created by the failure to communicate is soon filled with poison, drivel and misrepresentation."

— C. Northcote Parkinson



Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The Honourable Michael de Jong, Q.C.
Victoria BC V8W 9E2

Brenda M. Leong, Chair and CEO 
701 West Georgia Street
P.O. Box 10142, Pacific Centre
Vancouver, BC V7Y 1L2

Reference: Letter sent to Mr. de Jong dated March 9, 2016 

Subject: BCSC Wrong Doing

Dear Mr. de Jong,

Why are you not responding to my request for a private audience with you regarding the BC Securities Commission’s abuses and ethical wrong doings? 

It is disheartening to find out that living in British Columbia, Canada is no different than living under a dictatorial and oppressive government. It is immoral when a citizen is denied the right to be heard by his/her Government. I can appreciate the fact that an MP cannot influence the courts or any tribunals administering the law. 

However, what happens when an Independent Government Agency is operating outside the law and violating its own Code of Ethics in order to generate revenues as the BC Securities is a self funded government agency. Mr. de Jong, how can the government explain that an independent enforcement agency be self-funded and its only source of income, is to impose Disgorgement and Administrative fines? Just imagine if the police departments operated in this fashion?

It is immoral when a citizen is denied the right to be heard by his/her Government. I can appreciate the fact that an MP cannot influence the courts or any tribunals administering the law. 

However, what happens when an Independent Government Agency is operating outside the law and violating its own Code of Ethics in order to generate revenues as the BC Securities is a self funded government agency. Mr. de Jong, how can the government explain that an independent enforcement agency be self-funded and its only source of income, is to impose Disgorgement and Administrative fines? Just imagine if the police departments operated in this fashion?

Our allegations against the Commission are extremely real and factual about are being railroaded by the Commission investigators and litigators. From day one, when I contacted William Ting to advise him that we had been defrauded by an offshore partner, it was wrongfully assumed that since Klaus Glusing was my mentor and I knew him for forty years, the investigators wrongfully determined that Cire and Harris were guilty by association, this is not the way to conduct investigations and ruining people's lives.

Now that the Commission Panel has rendered its decision this past December 2015, why can you not grant us our request to meet with you in good faith? 

The only problem we see, is that the Commission registered the Panel’s decision with the BC Supreme Court, we have not been advised that the Commission plans to take us to Court or just supress you from taking any action by leaving the case file open and this way your office cannot interfere. I call that being set-up!

As a matter of fact, Mr. de Jong, its been well established that the Commission messed-up big time and that you Sir and Ms. Leong are playing the time card hoping by your silence and not interacting with Christopher Burke and myself, will result in our giving up and going away. 

The fact that Ms. Mitchell-Banks is no longer with the Commission and that Ms. Pivnenko is on leave of absence, again we can only ascertain that the Commission is in “Big Time Damage Control”. This is why Ms. Leong is not communicating with us, she has lawyered up and on the advice of legal counsel she is not to communicate with us. If that’s the case, then provide us with legal counsel’s coordinates so that we can proceed.

Mr. de Jong, your silence and refusal to work with us, is immoral, unethical and just out and out mean! Your silence is condescending and not right. How would you feel if you heard about a friend or a family member being mistreated by a government agency? What would you do? 

All we are requesting is to resolve this ongoing dispute to are mutual benefit, the Commission has to be held responsible and accountable for the wrong doings and malicious methods its employees perpetrated against us. 

Mr. de Jong, lets stop the time and silence card and let’s site down and workout our differences. 

For your information, we have been made aware that a few weeks ago the Commission did lose three appeal cases at the BC Supreme Court on the basis of abuse of power. 

Mr. de Jong, we have no interest in fighting with the Commission, but if we have to, we will, all we want is for the Commission to admit to its wrong doings and pay the price for ruining over four hundred investors lives that the Commission should have protected. Unfortunately, the investigators went on a witch-hunt and personal character assassination.

Mr. de Jong, we will not go away, the Commission plaid us and now it’s time for reckoning! 

I truly hope we can start a communicating and respecting each other to reach an amicable resolve.

Respectfully Submitted,
Peter Harris